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DWN Client

1. Install

npm i @extrimian/dwn-client

2. Init DWN Client

When we wants to intance a DWN it has to be config passing a DID, to pull messages from that DID, inboxURL that is the endpoint of our DWN service, and a storage to save messages.

const dwnClient = new DWNClient({
did : "did:example";
inboxURL : "dwnURL";
storage : MessageStorage;

For this test case you can create a storage that saves the data in memory.

export const storageMock: MessageStorage = {
async getMessages(): Promise<Entry[]> {
return messagesStorage;
async getLastPullDate(): Promise<Date> {
return lastPullDate;
async saveMessages(messages: Entry[]): Promise<void> {
async updateLastPullDate(date: Date): Promise<void> {
lastPullDate = date;

3. Send a message to the DWN

const sendMsg = await dwnClient.sendMessage({
targetDID: "did:example", //Recipient's DID
targetInboxURL: "dwnURL", // Recipient's DWN service, obtained by resolving the DID Document
message: {
data: packedMessage, //message packed with Didcomm
descriptor: {
method: ThreadMethod.Create,
dateCreated: new Date(),
dataFormat: "application/json",

DWN Types

The message structure is already defined in the protocol so would be as the following.

export type Entry = {
descriptor: MessageDescriptor;
data?: any;
export type MessageDescriptor = {
method: ThreadMethod;
// UUIDv4
objectId?: string;
// Content-Type header (e.g. application/json)
dataFormat?: string;
// content id
cid?: {
codec: string;
version: number;
hash: any;
// Creation date in UNIX timestamp format
dateCreated?: number;
// Data Schema URL
schema?: string;
// Initial thread message id
root?: string;
// Parent (replying to) message id
parent?: string;

DWN Scheduler to pull messages

1. Install

npm i @extrimian/dwn-client-scheduler

2. Init DwnClientScheduler

const dwnClientScheduler = new DWNClientScheduler(dwnClient, cronExpression);


dwnClient.addSubscriber(async (messages) => {
console.log(`Found ${messages.length} messages`);
const cronExpression = "*/10 * * * * *";